The Secret to Motivation as a New Blogger

Do you ever feel like you’re trying to do all the right things to reach your goals but fail time after time? I did too. Until I found these tips that changed my habits and helped me reach my goals.

One of the biggest secrets to success I had to first realize was this: starting is the hardest part. I mean seriously, just thinking about starting a goal (like launching my blog) was overwhelming. No really, It took me about three years to bite the bullet and launch my blog. I didn’t know where to start with my goals and I would overthink everything before I even started. It was the classic case of analysis paralysis.

So where do you start?

The most valuable piece of advice I have ever heard on starting a habit, goal etc. is from Mel Robbins. It’s called The 5 Second Rule. Essentially what it is, is that when you know you have to do something like working out or getting out of bed instead of hitting snooze, all you have to do is start by counting backwards from 5 in your head (5-4-3-2-1). This requires your brain to focus on the counting. Counting backwards uses the part of your brain that learns new behavior, thinks intentionally or strategically. It’s the part of your brain that gives you immediate control over what you think and do next. Essentially, when you start counting backwards before you start something that you’re not so thrilled about, you’re already conquering and getting the “thing” done because you’ve started counting…which leads to the action. I hope that makes sense. You can learn a LOT more by listening to Mel’s podcasts and reading her books. I have found this small little trick to work wonders and there’s proof to show for it.


Something that has been very helpful for me is to not only write down my dreams/goals but see them visually. What I mean by this is either having a physical dream board on your wall or a board on Pinterest. I’ve even seen some life-size Pinterest boards that look pretty cool and would be a fun craft if you feel so inspired. I am a huge fan of Pinterest for many reasons but my favorite being its a visual search engine. So you can literally type anything into the search bar and you’ll have what you’re looking for.

I have a lot of boards full of pins that inspire me and remind me of my goals. The family vacations I would love to take, the houses I would love to remodel and decorate, my dream cottage on a small lake, my flower garden goals etc. Pin the things that drive you towards your “why”. Finding inspiring visually helps you to stay focused on your long term goals.

Small little goals

To help you stay on track, especially if your goal is to start a blog, something that is very helpful is to write down easy attainable tasks inside your planner. For instance, instead of writing something broad like, “start a blog” I would break that down even further. An example of this could look like this:

  1. set up a self-hosted blog
  2. Learn how to monetize as a beginner
  3. Pick a domain name
  4. create a blogging email

When you write down the daily tasks that eventually lead to your goals, it makes you that much more likely to succeed. There are numerous studies showing how just writing down your goals make you that much more likely to succeed. Also something to remember is to set realistic goals. Obviously we need to think big picture when dreaming, but if one of your goals is to have 100k in the bank by next week odds are its not going to happen. But setting a realistic goal like “ways to save 100k” is much more achievable. And by doing this you won’t feel like you’ve failed when you haven’t reached that big goal. It’s all about small little baby steps.

The Grass is Always Greener

Finding inspiration among other influencers and bloggers is great. But if you start comparing yourself too often it can take the wind right out of your sails. Comparison truly is the thief of joy. You need to find that sweet spot of inspiration but also being okay with where you’re at currently. We all start at the beginning, and just because you’re seeing someone’s highlight reel what you don’t see is how much work it took for them to get there. It’s easy to forget that we all have a beginning to our story, but when we take the time to remember it puts our mind at ease. You aren’t in a race with anyone else.

Two phrases that I often tell myself are “work works” and “you have to decide that you are going to change and then do something”. These two phrases alone have changed my mentality towards my work habits, especially with my blog. If you don’t decide that something has to change, chances are you’ll stay right where you are in life. So, make that mindset shift and get to work. you CAN do this.

Final Thoughts

All this to say, the bottom line is this.

1.Decide that you are going to change.

2. Write down small goals each day.

3.Don’t compare and enjoy the season you’re in.